Public data, Mikkelsen et al.

Public data can be used in 2 ways:

  • download processed data uploaded by the authors
  • download raw data

Use the first one save time but rely on the authors's workflow

Fetch fastq


Then select RunSelector.

From a Cell paper from 2010 and belong to this dataset:

GEO GSE20752

Specifically we want to look at these samples:

te input control they used for normalization:

input control

Download SRR_Acc_List.txt in /scratch/users/aginolhac/chip-seq/Mikkelsen

fastq-dump is a tool from NCBI, part of the sra-tools, available for free. Install this program.

then fetch and compress

parallel -j 6 --progress "fastq-dump --gzip {}" :::: SRR_Acc_List.txt

mapped with paleomix

file available here

paleomix bam_pipeline --bwa-max-threads=4 --max-threads=12 mikkelsen.yml

last for ~ 3 hours 30 minutes

peak calling


macs2 callpeak -t Mikkelsen_3T3L1_t2_H3K4me3.GRCm38.p3.bam \
               -c Mikkelsen_3T3L1_WCE.GRCm38.p3.bam \
               -f BAM -g mm -n 3T3L1_t2_H3K4 -B -q 0.01 --outdir 3T3L1_t2_H3K4 &
macs2 callpeak -t Mikkelsen_3T3L1_t3_H3K4me3.GRCm38.p3.bam \
               -c Mikkelsen_3T3L1_WCE.GRCm38.p3.bam \
               -f BAM -g mm -n3T3L1_t3_H3K4 -B -q 0.01 --outdir 3T3L1_t3_H3K4


macs2 callpeak -t Mikkelsen_3T3L1_t2_H3K27ac.GRCm38.p3.bam \
               -c Mikkelsen_3T3L1_WCE.GRCm38.p3.bam --broad  \
               -f BAM -g mm -n 3T3L1_t2_H3K27ac -B -q 0.01 --outdir 3T3L1_t2_H3K27ac &
macs2 callpeak -t Mikkelsen_3T3L1_t3_H3K27ac.GRCm38.p3.bam \
               -c Mikkelsen_3T3L1_WCE.GRCm38.p3.bam --broad \
               -f BAM -g mm -n3T3L1_t3_H3K27ac -B -q 0.01 --outdir 3T3L1_t3_H3K27ac